Once upon a time
Posted by Greyfox | Posted in Epic battles, Good ole times, Hate, Racial tension | Posted on 16:05

Once upon a time there were two young men. They were(maybe still are) in the army.
Oh how the tension grows as you're placed in a living situation with people that are GASP. A different skin color. These men, forced to live with each other, feeding off of the PRESSURES OF WAR (joke in itself) came to hate one another.
They went to the breaking point.

Until one day, the young white man snapped, he could not take this onslaught of "Gangster" Rap and R&B any longer.

The young man drew his weapon and the dogs of war were released.

The stare down that followed was legendary. The angry black man, overcoming the initial shock did not shrink down and he glared. A hate fire burned within his eyes and fire rained down upon the Earth, but especially in places that suck, like Wisconsin, or the Dakotas, because no one else would be willing to have fire rain down upon them for the sake of a story.

The crazed white man stood his ground as well (of course this was easy with a gun in hand thus making the angry black man a bit more courageous in this story, but just wait for the moral will you, you impatient bastards, I'm working with limited old photos here)

They both looked at each other and in a frenzy came at one another. The angry black man unbeknownst to the crazed white man could use the force and thus disarmed him. A fight ensued.
After weeks of fighting non stop(because each of the combatants learned to fight on top of Mount Olympus with the gods, although one on the black side, and one on the white side of Mount Olympus because they did the training in the 60's and Zeus was actually a Redneck) they stopped. After discussing there differences in large panting breaths they discovered that the tension was not caused by racial tension at all. It was caused by the fucking morons which surrounded them. From then on they were the best of friends and hated everyone else collectively (except for shifto who actually took all of these pictures many years ago and who also joined in this cause) because they understood their superiority of brainpower over those plebes.
They decided to forge an alliance and bring the truth to the world, their truth, whether the world wants to hear it or not (along with shifto, without whom I could not have written this preposterous story).
And they lived happily ever after, well, not happily, but in cooperation. If it was happily ever after I probably wouldn't be writing for this blog, because I wouldn't have anything to write.

BFF and shifto too, as a fucking 12 year old girl texting with her new cell phone would say. (by the way, don't give kids cellphones dick-heads they don't need them)
(Vanity statement, I must have weighed 2 lbs back then, look at those chicken arms)
I can't believe you associated me with those pictures. Now everyone will associate me with "t3h ghay."
BTW, I remember each of those pictures, "including the one you cropped, bastard," except for one. I know I didn't take one of them.