Amy Winehouse Used To Be Hot
Posted by Skrybe | Posted in amy winehouse, crack is wack, fap city | Posted on 14:32
I'm not even joking. Now I'm a big Amy Winehouse fan. I thought her first album, "Frank" was pretty decent, and her second album - the now worldwide known "Back To Black" was really good. Lots of replay value for Back To Black. Winehouse belts out soulful tunes with a voice filled to the brim with heart-wrenching anguish, reminiscent of both a love lost and of a wayward spirit that has strayed down the wrong path. The unfortunate truth behind the lyrics - the ironic punchline to the joke - is that Amy Winehouse actually IS a person that has strayed down the wrong path; that path being crackheadedness.
Welcome to the kingdom of Gotdamn. Please believe I made no editing changes to these pics, other than resizing. If you ever decide that you need some type of good, solid reason NOT to do drugs, go hang out with Amy for a weekend. She'll make all your dreams come true - if you got five on it. Perhaps the beginning of the new year would be kinder on little Amy Crackhouse. Let's see.

Observe this pic of her from 2004.
Not bad. Not damn bad at all. I'd hit it fo shiggedy. Add in the fact that she's like 5 foot 1, probably like 120 pounds, and we're in there. I definitely would have put Amy on the wall back in 05. Now let's fast-forward to the beginning of 2007.
Still hot! I think just as hot as in the previous picture. She'd lost a slight amount of weight, maybe 5 pounds or so, which gave her an excellent slimming look. I'd bone, but I'd be concerned about cracking her pelvis. Let's continue to mid-2007.
Some might complain that this pic is small and makes Amy unrecognizable. I have two things to say to that: 1) Yes, this pic is small. 2) Amy is already unrecognizable BECAUSE SHE'S A FULL-BLOWN CRACKHEAD AT THIS POINT. Let's continue on to the worst part; the end of 2007.
Welcome to the kingdom of Gotdamn. Please believe I made no editing changes to these pics, other than resizing. If you ever decide that you need some type of good, solid reason NOT to do drugs, go hang out with Amy for a weekend. She'll make all your dreams come true - if you got five on it. Perhaps the beginning of the new year would be kinder on little Amy Crackhouse. Let's see.
Welp, there we go. Unfortunately little Crack Central has been struck by impetigo, a nasty disease that infects famous singers who are crackheads (and possibly other actual unfortunate individuals in the world). I hope she gets well soon, but I also hope she learns from - shit, ANYTHING in life that's happened to her so far. You make good music and somebody will enjoy it, and you might even make a lot of money from doing what you love to do. You smoke crack and your life gets fucked up. Hi! This is just reality calling. Y'know, real quick just to check up on you, see how you're doing. And just in case you're not getting the picture, you might get the video. That's correct.
Poor Amy. She tried. Perhaps she can get it together. I sure hope so, because she puts out some great music. And at least at one point in time she was fairly attractive. I long for those days again.
Amy Winehouse was never hot. ever. period.
but, different strokes for different folks.