Obama Snow Day

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 07:36

So it appears some of the kids are getting an extra day off because Barack Obama - in case you don't recognize the name, that would be the President of the United States - wants to speak to the youth of America in their classrooms. The response of some conservative parents: "WTF kinda BS school are you running here?!"

I pulled this disgruntled American parent's rant from Kiss My Gumbo, a great military blogger website:

'Contact:September 4, 2009

Kristin McLaren-Mickal

St. Tammany Republican Parish Executive Committee

Member at Large


“As a parent of four children in our St. Tammany Parish public school system, I am appalled that taxpayer money is being used to further President Obama’s agenda. I send my children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated.
“The presidential address scheduled for September 8, 2009 and the accompanying teacher’s guide obligates our children to agree with the President’s socialist ideology rather than engage in a healthy debate on his agenda. Turning to America’s children to justify his liberal agenda is an abuse of power to which I am offended and infuriated. I appreciate that our school board and school superintendent have afforded parents an opt-out opportunity so as not to usurp our parental rights.
“As for me and my children, we will engage in these political discussions at home where my children can speak out on the sanctity of human life and traditional marriage. Where we can have a Christmas Party rather than a Holiday Party and where we can pray peacefully as our forefathers did.”

Greta: You really think this is not an OK thing I guess? I on the other hand want my children to respect the President, whether they agree with him or not. My 13 yo son already came home and said yuck Obama – I told him not to be like that.

Kristin: I, too, want my children to respect the President but the means by which he is pushing his agenda is wrong. If it were truly a message to encourage education, I can appreciate that. However, if he is pushing for education then why is he taking away valuable classroom time on something that could be broadcast during hours when families can make their own decisions? He’s using our teachers and our classroom to inculcate our children.
It is being broadcast when most parents are at work and won’t have an opportunity to view the message yet when our children come home with questions, how are we to respond?'

"I send my children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated."

Wow. I'd have to nominate that for "most ironic statement made in EVER." But I digress.

I happen to think that this entire thing is being extremely overblown. It's the president coming into classrooms and telling kids to study hard and they'll be able to realize the American dream. Wow. How ... dare ... he?! LOL I can understand the White House's confusion and frustration with this situation. Are you really upset that the President of the United States wants to speak to the students of America? Are you expecting him to force them to pay taxes on their school lockers? Maybe he's going to start initiating school trips to Guantanamo Bay?

Perhaps the only issue might be if he tries to push his youth corps idea, but I guess we can only wait and see if he even mentions that. Hey, you just gave your kids an extra day of summer so they'd learn that it's cool to not even listen to what the President has to say if they've already assumed that they won't agree with him. And since they don't see the President on a daily basis, they'll go ahead and translate that message to mean their principals, their teachers and their parents. Congratulations. I know, it's tough. When your children hear things at school, they come home and they have questions. What's a parent to do? Well, you could do what you normally do, and give them the best answer that you can, appropriate to the situation. Yup. Giving the kids good information and training them up in the way that they should go. I read that in a parenting handbook somewhere.
*sigh* Here's a novel concept: Give your kids BOTH sides of the argument. Let them hear what the President has to say, and then discuss with them what could be good or bad about what he had to say. See how they feel about it, and what they may agree or disagree with, REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT. Yes, they came from your loins. That doesn't mean they'll have the same opinions as you on all things political. At least not at age 7. That is all.

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