A Study on Bed Hogs

Posted by shifto | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 00:04


If you are reading this you probably shared your bed with somebody at least once. Was he or she a bed hog? Have you noticed that some people don't seem to be comfortable with just 50% of the bed? Well I have an idea as to why.

The Excerpt - Accepted

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , , , | Posted on 15:40


This excerpt is from a movie I like called "Accepted." It was a decent comedy with a nice spin on the usual college comedy fare. In the movie, the main character is rejected from every college he applies to. In an attempt to get his parents off his back, he creates a website for a fake college, and sends himself an acceptance letter. 

Through a series of unfortunate but obvious circumstances, more must be created, which leads to a building, and students, and highly unorthodox classes created and taught by those same students. Right near the end, the main character is being grilled on the purpose of the college he created, and whether or not anyone is learning anything from his non-standardized methods. I happen to think he gave a great speech on the true essence of learning, which of course isn't based on four years at some time-honored institution, but rather on the drive and dedication of each individual to pursue knowledge, regardless of the method and chosen path. I also think that he (and the entire movie, really) touched on the point of acceptance as a whole, and how so many of us choose to conform to the ways of the culture and society that we think we desire to be a part of. A side plot to the storyline is that of the main character's best friend, who coincidentally was accepted to the college of his choice. However, he does not fit the stereotypical image of a frat boy, and as such is continually ridiculed and rejected by the fraternity that he struggles to join throughout the film. I believe the underlying theme and overall message of the film is that you don't have to walk the well-trodden path and achieve acceptance from others to discover yourself and realize happiness. And that, of course, can always be applied to life.


The Excerpt:

"No, I'm not going to answer your question, because you guys have already made up your minds. I'm an expert in rejection, and I can see it on your faces. It's too bad that you reject us by the way we look and not by who we are, just because you want us to be more like them. When the truth is, we are not like them, and I am damn proud of that fact. [Their college] and their 100 years of tradition. A tradition of what? Of hazing kids? Of humiliating anyone who's a little bit different? Of putting so much pressure on these kids that they turn into these stress freaks? Why? Why can't we both exist? Why do we have to conform to what you want?"

"You sir, are a criminal!"

"YOU'RE the criminal! Because you rob these kids of their dreams and of their passions, and that's the real crime! What about you, parents? Did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart or just play it safe and roll over? What about you? Did you always want to be school administrators? Was that your dream? Maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a musician. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world. Look, I lied to all of you, and I'm sorry. But out of that desperation, something happened that was so amazing and it was full of possibilities, and isn't that what you ultimately want for us as parents? Possibilities?

"Well, we came here today to ask for your approval, and something just occurred to me. I don't give a shit. We don't need your approval to tell us that what we did was real, because there are so few truths in this world that when you see one you know it, and I know that it is a truth that real learning took place at [our school] whether you like it or not. It did. Because you don't need teachers or classrooms or fancy high brow traditions or money to really learn; you just need people with a desire to better themselves. And we've got that by the shitload. So you can reject us, shoot us down, do whatever you've gotta do, because it doesn't matter at this point. Because we will never stop learning. We will never stop growing. And we'll never forget the ideals that were instilled in us at our place [of learning]. And nothing that you can say or do can ever take that away from us."

Now, some of you may wonder why I chose to post this up as an excerpt. Being that I chose the excerpt, I think it speaks for itself. However, I shall digress. The idea that learning or mental growth comes from one specific source or one particular path in life is, to put it nicely, silly. Growth can come from literally every path of life. Of course with each path there comes a different style of growth, a different base of knowledge is given, and as such a new way to look at things is learned; however, the point being made is that it can come from ANYWHERE. Assuming that there is only one path to knowledge and understanding is quite possibly the most simple-minded way to look at personal growth. Nonetheless, once you've made the first step of realizing that you can learn and grow from every life experience, then the beauty and knowledge and understanding of the entire world is available to you. And that ... is what this excerpt is all about.

For Those Trying to Get Into Shape...

Posted by shifto | Posted in , , , | Posted on 23:50


I was originally writing this on a military message board to a guy who described himself as "unfit" asking military guys for tips on how to get fit.  As I was writing I realized my message was getting quite long and no one on a message board would ever read it.  I also realized that these were actually workout goals I've been setting for myself.  Weird.  It's funny because there are a couple people that I know that are trying to get back into shape so I should probably post this for everyone's benefit.

America in Trouble: You Can Now Be Imprisoned for Stupidity

Posted by shifto | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 20:24


This is an important week in American Football.  One football player starts a two year prison term and another ends a two year hiatus from football due to a 2 year prison term.  I think the two cases are vastly different in magnitude and fault.  However, both of these cases have the same root.  The football players involved in each case had the case of the stupid.  I will focus more on Plaxico Burress rather than Michael Vick with this article, but feel free to fresh up on Vick's dog fighting incident's if you wish.

Paying Dues

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 15:58


The Art of Manliness, a new discovery for me, has recently posted up a GREAT article on the importance of paying dues. It's titled "The Importance Of Paying Your Dues." Yup. I mean, I really want to put a quick write-up here explaining my own feelings on how important paying your dues is in this world, and how too often people these days want to skip the whole paying dues process - and what so many others have gone through in paying their dues so that so many of us could live the lives that we've lived - but honestly these manly men have covered it all.

Oh, THAT'S What You Wanted?

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in | Posted on 04:53


Yeah. So after fighting with our new template code for years months weeks days a few hours while we drank tea, our good buddies at Blogger have decided to add by default everyone's favorite tag: "Continue Reading."

This Just In: Obama's Speech Highly Non-Controversial

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , , | Posted on 07:56


News website Hot Air reposted the President's speech to the kids. Surprise surprise - there's absolutely nothing to worry about. There's no socialist agenda being pushed; kids aren't expected to pick up a shovel tomorrow and fork over their paper route cash to an Obama representative. Old stiff Uncle Obie is just trying to connect with the kids through Harry Potter books, Twitter and Google. Why would anyone be surprised? This isn't a Republican issue; this isn't a Democrat issue. Once again, one party has completely overblown another party's actions. We saw it four years ago, we saw it 12 years ago, we saw it in the Adams vs. Jefferson election (both of them). It never stops. I hope the kids enjoy their day off. I know mine will when I get caught up in the madness and do the same thing 12 years from now.

One of the most interesting comments made was by someone named crosspatch. On the Hot Air blog, the blog author pointed out that when Reagan made a similar speech to classrooms in 1986, he made lots of references to how great he and his administration (and America's military) had performed recently. The author noted that if Obama were preparing to make a similar speech about how great he and his crew were, then Repubs would be up in arms. So does that make Reagan wrong for doing it? Crosspatch, however, had a quick rebuttal to make about that. Here's what he had to say:

"There is a huge difference between Obama today and Reagan in 1986.

Reagan won 49 of 50 states. He won 525 out of 538 electoral votes.
He beat Mondale in the popular vote by over 18 points. In contrast
Obama did no better in 2008 than Bush did in 2004. Obama carried 28
states, McCain won 22. Obama won 365 electoral votes. He won the
popular vote by 7 points.

Reagan was hugely popular with Democrats and Republicans and
Independents. He was inclusive, Obama is divisive. Reagan was like
everyone’s Dad or Grandpa. Obama is like a weasely snake oil salesman.

I believe the country’s reception of Reagan speaking to our kids in
his second term after he had accomplished a lot is much different than
Obama speaking in the first few months when he has pretty much
accomplished nothing."

Excellent point, sir. I made all my points in my earlier post, so I'll just end this one right here.

The Excerpt

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , , , , , , , , , | Posted on 07:53


So I've decided to start posting up bits of various sources and fun stuff that I'm reading from time to time. Hopefully someone will consider them enjoyable, or hey, maybe they'll even provoke some type of thought process. Who knows. Who cares. It's fun to share it with the world. If you don't feel like reading it all, key sentences are in bold print.

Obama Snow Day

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 07:36


So it appears some of the kids are getting an extra day off because Barack Obama - in case you don't recognize the name, that would be the President of the United States - wants to speak to the youth of America in their classrooms. The response of some conservative parents: "WTF kinda BS school are you running here?!"

Yup. Life Ain't Fair ... Now What?

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in | Posted on 07:38



Fairly fun and (I think) very knowledgeable website Stepcase Lifehack  (not to be confused with another website with a similar name) recently posted up part 2 of their 2-part article "10 Things in Life That Aren't Fair - and What to Do About Them." I of course checked it out because the name sounded funny. However, as usual, they had fairly useful information for their top 10. While I of course had the strong urge to re-post the one about CEO's being tall (hehe), I decided to highlight this one:

"Attractive people are considered smarter, nicer, and more moral than unattractive people.

'Attractive' is, of course, subjective, but even so: when someone thinks you’re good-looking, they’re more likely to think you’re a good person than if they find you physically unappealing. And vice versa – you’re more likely to think highly of a person you find handsome or pretty than one you find ugly or even average.

What to do about it: Well, one option is plastic surgery, dieting, working out, make-up, etc. but that seems pretty pathetic just to get people to think more highly of you. Since confidence is a big part of what makes people find you attractive, work on projecting confidence in yourself. And, of course, make sure whatever you do has merit in its own right. As far as your opinion of other people, try finding ways to see others as attractive whatever their appearance, and remind yourself when you think poorly of someone that you can easily be mislead by the way they look."

Quite interesting. Be sure to check out Part 1 & Part 2 for more things that aren't fair, and just what you can do about them.

50 Luh The Kids

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in | Posted on 16:07


How many of them kids is mine? ..... ALL of em?! Whoa, whoa, whoa .... go shawty ...

But seriously, it was for a charity event. 50 do luh the kids.

Sh*t I Like

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 18:53


So, months and months later, I return once again with another completely random installment of shit I like. Since my last shit I like post, there's been literally a ton of shit i like rolling around on the web. Quite frankly, there always is. I guess that's why this was supposed to be more than just a random installment. Ah well. I digress ....

We Don't Need No Stinkin .... Blacks?

Posted by Skrybe | Posted in , | Posted on 01:21


Turns out Microsoft is revving up the racism these days. Via Daily Math:

This is not some jokingly photoshopped image that's circulating the web; this is, unfortunately, a real advertisement created (and edited) by Microsoft. The top photo is for American advertisements. The bottom one is for Polish advertisements. Apparently Poland LOVES getting their racist on.

Now this brings forth the question of is this really racism in action? Or is this some form of racism by proxy? In the comments on Daily Math, many people seem to feel that the ad is no more racist than your average Mickey D's ad that tends to cater towards people of color these days. They say that Microsoft is just playing to their audience, utilizing the business approach, and that's how they do business in Poland. Quite interesting. I don't doubt that it's true, but it's very interesting for a business as big as Microsoft to feel the need to play along with it. What I see here is not blatant racism ("We're Microsoft and we hate Blacks"), but rather overt racism to make a dollar ("We're Microsoft and we celebrate diversity. Unless you don't. In which case, that's cool. Just buy our product."). And yep, from a business standpoint that makes perfect sense. Microsoft wasn't created to make the world a happy utopia; they're a business, and they're here to turn a profit. (Side note for those that swear by all Microsoft products - keep that in mind when you're checking out decent-to-better alternatives to Microsoft products)

I don't really have a big problem with the ad itself. As business ads usually go, it's pretty standard stuff, cheesy and somewhat robotic. However the idea behind the ad - that racism is business as usual, and is perfectly acceptable as long as a profit is made - is an idea that I assumed began slowly dying out for the world after the Nazi era. Apparently it's dying off more slowly than I had expected. Ah well. Just more incentive to continue moving away from Microsoft products. Carry on!

Here's that bonus!

Palm Pre Impressions

Posted by shifto | Posted in , , | Posted on 23:59


I picked it up today and this is what I think so far:

1. Multi-tasking. I thoroughly enjoy the interface and how I can not only have multiple applications open, but can get to any one of the open apps with a stroke here or there. This reminds me of alt+ tabbing in Windows or hitting F9 on the Mac. Furthermore, I can IM or SMS from a single application. The SMS are threaded too which makes it even better.

2. Physical keyboard. Okay, the keys might be small, but I like that they have a physical keyboard. I've tried the virtual keyboard on the iPhone and the Instinct and liked neither. I sent a few texts and IMs today and you get used to the keys.

3. Importing contacts. What's great about this is that you can import all your contacts from your gmail, aim, and facebook (probably more). Best of all, it automatically merges redundant contacts. So it will automatically link my buddy John Doe's Facebook and Gmail contact together.

1. Music player. Although the Pre syncs with iTunes it doesn't seem to play anything I downloaded from the iTunes store. I'm sure that's some DRM thing and I do know how to work around it, but It's still a bummer that I have to go through the trouble.

2. Crappy browser. Sometimes when I'm web browsing it will freeze. Not the whole phone, thankfully, but the browser that I'm using. Luckily it's easy enough to close down the app and reopen it. I may download opera this week and see if that solves my problems. Update: Opera is currently unavailable for the Pre.

3. IMPORTING CONTACTS! It really is love hate with this feature. The Pre doesn't automatically merge my already existing phone book with my facebook contacts unless they have their phone number in their profile (and seriously, not many people do that). Ultimately, manually linking contacts isn't all that bad. However, not being able to delete Facebook contacts is. I have over 400 people on FB and I probably talk to 30 of those people and only desire to talk to around 10 of those folks. Eventually, I'm sure Palm will fix this, but right now it's annoying scrolling through 400 co-workers, friends from elementary school, and other randoms in my address book.

The Problem with the MLB

Posted by shifto | Posted in , , , | Posted on 01:20


I remember when I started to understand baseball. I believe it was 2003 and the Cubs were in the playoffs. They were playing in a game, at home, and it was a must win. Lose and they were out. Well the whole 9th inning they kept showing this old lady who was watching the game with her hands clenched together, almost prayer style. Well, once the Cubs lost the game they cut to this poor old lady and you saw her there crying. I just knew that she believed that this was the last chance she was going to get to see her Cubs win a World Series. I understood baseball at that point, because no matter how long I live I would never cry if the Redskins didn't win another Super Bowl. I like the Skins a lot, but I don't love them the way northsiders love their Cubbies. Some families have lived in the US for 5 or 6 generations. That's how long the love for the Cubs have been past down.

That's baseball. It is love. It is tradition. It is America's past time. And in its current form in the United States on the biggest stage it is Major League Baseball or the MLB. And under this MLB, this union of American and National Leagues, it sucks. It sucks sucks sucks. There are specific problems that lots of non-baseball fans typically mention when they criticize baseball which I will kindly list for the reader:

-games are too long
-too predictable
-not enough action

These really boil down to a matter of opinion so I won't argue against these points. However, I think that there is a more important reason why the MLB sucks which I hope they fix sometime. There is no equality in baseball. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in 1947, but that's not what I'm talking about. I am saying that there are inequities built within the constructs of the MLB which prevents ubiquity.

First of all, there are two leagues and two sets of rules. In the National League there are 9 players in the line up at a time. So the Mets have 9 guys "playing defense" at the top of every inning and then those same 9 guys on the batting order at the bottom of the inning. This arrangement makes a whole lot of sense. Well, then there's the American League where there are 10 players in the line up at a time. The Yankees have 9 guys "playing defense" at the top of an inning just like the Mets; however, they give whoever pitched that inning a break at the bottom of the inning and put in what is called a designated hitter (DH). That's right, in the American League a pitcher doesn't normally swing a bat. Instead they stick in either a more consistent hitter or a more powerful hitter. This sort of makes sense too since I've seen a lot of MLB pitchers swing a bat and they look ridiculous. So what happens when NL and AL teams play each other like in the World Series? The home team rules apply. The result of this is you see a lot of older position players migrate over from the NL to be a DH for an AL team. Another thing that I've heard mentioned quite a bit is that the overall hitting is better in the AL.

Second, there are thirty teams in the MLB and they each have their own unique stadium. That doesn't sound much different than any other sport, but imagine this. Would the NBA allow Orlando to move the 3 point lineback one more foot than normal? Would the NFL allow the Steelers to put an 11 meter "steel" wall ANYWHERE on or around the ball field? Well, the answer is no, duh. Then why does baseball allow it? The fields are constructed in such a way to allow or inhibit certain things. The reason Barry Bonds breaking the Home Run record was great (before the alleged steroid thing) was because he did it in spite of playing for the Giants who play in a stadium known to inhibit homers. The Mets and Yankees both christened brand new stadiums this season and here are the differences of the dimensions they had in common:

Citi Field (Mets) Yankee Stadium
Left field 335 ft (102 m) 318 ft (97 m)
Left center 364 (111) 399 (122)
Center field 408 (124) 408 (124)
Right center 378 (115) 385 (117)
Right field 330 (101) 314 (96)

The source is wiki, so take it with a grain of salt, but there is still another big discrepancy. They're in the same city so there shouldn't be much variance in environmental considerations, but Yankee Stadium had more than twice the Home Runs hit in it than Citi Field. The stat was calculated from the beginning of the season to about mid June. Albeit, we've already established that the hitting is much better in the AL, but not more than 2x as good. I think it is safe to say that bringing in those fields a few meters help the Yanks get more homers for their great hitters. Unfortunately, it helps screw over their pitchers, too.

Finally, the most atrocious offense against equity of the MLB. The thing that makes the whole mess unbearable to me. While I can forgive the other two I can never get over this last thing. The one thing that irks me so much about the MLB is... the National League having 16 teams and the American Leage having 14 teams. Surprised? Well, not only is my mild OCD offended by this, but equality is offended! Get this, they actually moved the Milwaukee Brewers to the National League to make the leagues unequal. You kidding me? Why would they do this? Allow me to enlighten you!

The MLB, in its infinite wisdom, moved the Brewers to the NL in 1998 since each league would have had 15 teams leaving one team an odd man out. So either one team would just be sitting around for a series of games every once in a while or they'd have to face each other in interleague play. Well, MLB officials wanted to maintain each league's internal competition so it made more sense to just keep both leagues with an even number of teams. I could forgive this. I could totally see this as sensible. They wanted to maintain the integrity of each league as its own traditional entity. The best team from the NL would then face off against the best team in the AL and the two leagues would dual it out to show the world which league was superior. Yeah that makes sense. But there's a problem with that. In 1997 the MLB authorized interleague play during the regular season. *sigh* So before 1997 NL players and AL players would only meet at most twice, the all-star game and the World Series. After 1997 all the mystique of an NL team playing an AL team vanished in the mist. SO WHY DID THEY HAVE TO MOVE THE BREWERS IF THEY HAVE INTERLEAGUE PLAY ANYWAY? Some kid on a message board tried to tell me that MLB doesn't want interleague play as much as would happen if the teams were split 50-50 between AL and NL. But is that really THAT important if you're going to have interleague play ANYWAY? If they totally cut it out then fine, have your unequal leagues, but seriously, MLB is just losing their integrity on two front. First, by having interleague play anyway they are taking away the tradition and mystique of the all-star game and World Series and second, they have a chance to have equal leagues, thus equal divisions.

The issue that comes around during playoff time is that one division in the AL has an unfair advantage into the playoffs while one team in the NL has a disadvantage. Each league has two divisions with five teams each. However, the AL west only has 4 teams and the NL central has 6 teams. So not counting a wild card spot in the playoffs 20 teams in baseball have a 20% chance at a playoff shot while the AL west teams have a 25% chance and the poor NL central teams only have a 17% chance. Short story is this: if you want to have a statistically greater chance of being in the playoffs go to the AL west. Bonus note: if you want the best shot at going to the playoffs play for the Angels since those other teams suck.

Bottom line, my beef against MLB has nothing to do with the game, the game is fine. I just really wished they got rid of the DH and made more uniform stadiums. Baseball purists claim that's what makes baseball so flavorful and majestic. Okay, fine, those I could let go if they just evened up the leagues. Either that or get rid of interleague play. Don't tell me that you made the leagues uneven to preserve predominant intraleague play when you just have teams from different leagues play each other anyway during the season. Don't double whammy yourself, MLB, by sacrificing both tradition AND equality. If you have to sacrifice one thing or the other just sacrifice one thing OR the other. YOUR CHOICE! Please, not both.