Burton could possibly have a daughter,
Posted by Greyfox | Posted in Burton's daughter | Posted on 16:37
Big Z, I'm in your corner.
I know that you are a man of integrity and in fact, you do have a daughter.
My friend Skrybe. Though your evidence is strong I propose to you a different theory, and if you'll sit back and take a gander at this thought provoking tale, I'm sure you'll agree.
Have you ever seen the movie Stargate? Well readers, if you have you will understand right away. The premise of the movie is that ancient Egyptian civilization and perhaps mankind itself was brought to the planet in order to serve Rah the Sun God who just happens to actually be an immortal alien taking the form of a human being.
Well to get to the point. In the movie there was another planet with humans doing the Sun Gods bidding once again. Using this knowledge and that of the TV series spin-off of the movie we know that there are probably humans on many other planets too.
Big Z, did you not say that you were practicing the religion of the ancient Eygptians? The Egyptian book of the dead being the text of choice. The deighty which you gave praise to mainly being the Sun God Rah?
Stargate was a hell of a movie. Perhaps a little too good. I believe that no writer could have made the concept on their own. The plot is just too feasable. Burton wasnt born. He was created. By Rah. He came through a star gate.
Unfortunatley Burton's daughter got stuck within the gate and is perpetually flying at lightspeed through the time space continuum. Using the theory of relativity and certain other equations from physics I can prove thus that she has in fact remained the same age for several years and in fact will continue to remain the same age until long after we are all dust.
Big Z is a fantastic musician. I even heard one of his platinum CDs back from his planet. Unfortunatley I lost the Cd though and I dont really feel like looking for it so sorry you're just going to have to take my word for it. Burton can play all instruments.....except Earth instruments. When he was placed in front of an Earth piano, he froze up. The piano keys where he is from are in an entirely different order you fools. It would be like trying to make music with a toaster oven to us comparitively. You primitive minds cannot grasp the knowledge which flows through his head. Look at the size of it. HE has seen, HE has seen all. He has stood at the foot of Rah. I tell you Burton is not a liar. He is just misunderstood. His advanced ways are far beyond our comprehension.... though I can see where we could construe that as big fat fucking lies.
I know that you are a man of integrity and in fact, you do have a daughter.
My friend Skrybe. Though your evidence is strong I propose to you a different theory, and if you'll sit back and take a gander at this thought provoking tale, I'm sure you'll agree.
Have you ever seen the movie Stargate? Well readers, if you have you will understand right away. The premise of the movie is that ancient Egyptian civilization and perhaps mankind itself was brought to the planet in order to serve Rah the Sun God who just happens to actually be an immortal alien taking the form of a human being.
Well to get to the point. In the movie there was another planet with humans doing the Sun Gods bidding once again. Using this knowledge and that of the TV series spin-off of the movie we know that there are probably humans on many other planets too.
Big Z, did you not say that you were practicing the religion of the ancient Eygptians? The Egyptian book of the dead being the text of choice. The deighty which you gave praise to mainly being the Sun God Rah?
Stargate was a hell of a movie. Perhaps a little too good. I believe that no writer could have made the concept on their own. The plot is just too feasable. Burton wasnt born. He was created. By Rah. He came through a star gate.
Unfortunatley Burton's daughter got stuck within the gate and is perpetually flying at lightspeed through the time space continuum. Using the theory of relativity and certain other equations from physics I can prove thus that she has in fact remained the same age for several years and in fact will continue to remain the same age until long after we are all dust.
Big Z is a fantastic musician. I even heard one of his platinum CDs back from his planet. Unfortunatley I lost the Cd though and I dont really feel like looking for it so sorry you're just going to have to take my word for it. Burton can play all instruments.....except Earth instruments. When he was placed in front of an Earth piano, he froze up. The piano keys where he is from are in an entirely different order you fools. It would be like trying to make music with a toaster oven to us comparitively. You primitive minds cannot grasp the knowledge which flows through his head. Look at the size of it. HE has seen, HE has seen all. He has stood at the foot of Rah. I tell you Burton is not a liar. He is just misunderstood. His advanced ways are far beyond our comprehension.... though I can see where we could construe that as big fat fucking lies.
Hmm ... you're right. I have never considered this alternate theory. Perhaps Burton himself IS Ra, the Egyptian sun god. I never even thought to ask! See Greyfox, this is why you're here. To bring light to those in darkness. You're a shining beacon of light. You really should get a tan.
Greyfox, in Stargate once the gate turns off on either side of the wormhole it will collapse the wormhole and turn off the gate on the opposite side. Thus, destroying any matter in between. Get what I'm saying? By this logic she's not traveling across the cosmos at faster than light speed. She's with Apophis, my friend.