So I have a topic that's just as important maybe more so then the topic that I tackled in my last blog. This one is dear to my heart. It's about
Now for those of you that know me, understand how much I fucking love Nintendo. I grew up with it, some of my fondest childhood memories are from their classic games and characters.
I even have the fucking triforce tattooed to my shoulder. Suffice to say,
Zelda is my shit.
Even though I am a devoted fan boy and am enjoying the Wii's new found prosperity, I do have a few gripes. I understand that Nintendo refocused on making an innovative new system with motion controls but not enough third party developers are making good games. So far with games like "
Manhunt 2" (I could have shit a better game into a code compiler) are found wanting. The game is akward to control and just not very fun compared to the first game. I understand that the cut scenes and gore needed to be toned down, but the graphics were straight up shitty. Oh the game got good reviews for the PS2 (yes I said 2) and the PSP, but these are supposed to be systems with a lesser graphics capability. Nintendo, you can do better.
No More Heroes" is a step in the right direction. The graphics are a little better (though not wear I would like them) and the story and gameplay is unique. Some of the controls are a bit akward, particularly driving but overall I'd say that the game is the first non classic Nintendo franchised game that's hit a nerve on the Wii.
Nintendo and me go way back, and I quote Dido when I say, "I will go down with this ship, I'm in love." Nintendo has a long history of doing things different which is fine but it makes it tough to make games for them. It would be nice if the system did 1280 p resolution or if they would start using regular controls for some of the games. I own both an X-Box 360, and a Wii and I like both. The 360 has a wider selection of good games and the fact of the matter is that if a cross platform game comes out I'm most likely going to go with the copy for the 360. The graphics will be better and the controls smoother.
The 360 is the first system outside of Nintendo that I have owned since the Sega Genesis. The first three Nintendo systems were flawless, BUT when the first Playstation came out it was developing games like crazy and outselling the still fantastic Nintendo 64. 64 was great, and the graphics were the best at the time but the fact of the matter is that it was so much easier to develop a game and put it on a cd rather then a cartridge. Gamecube suffered from almost the same problem, with its proprietary mini-discs. I loved the Gamecube but not enough developers hopped on board and again it slid to the back of the pack especially with the at the time new original X-box in the picture.
Even though sales are up now (and now would be a good time to buy Nintendo stock) and I dont foresee a slow down in revenue for Nintendo, especially since the number 1 system in the world is currently the Nintendo DS, it would be nice if they would just sometimes come back inside the box if only to focus in on those of us who have stuck with them since the beginning. Remember back in the day when Square made games for the Super Nintendo, that's around what I recall as the Golden age of gaming, from the first Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Sega, through the rise of the 64.
I loved PS2, and I love my X-Box 360. The game selection amongst these two systems are beyond compare. Fuck the PS3. Fuck it right in its big Sonyfied ass. You have to donate a body part to buy it, and if you want the cheaper one, you lose the backwards compatability. The only reason I would ever want one is to play the up and coming Metal Gear game which will be spectacular. Don't get me wrong, the system would be tight if you didn't have to be Scrooge McDuck to

own one.
You make um Nintendo, and I'll buy um. Don't worry about that. Just remember that I'm a big boy now and need to play big boy games sometimes rather then things that only small children and
Asian people enjoy.

I'll keep everyone informed on the hot games that do arrive on my buy list and be utterly ruthless with my opinions of them. If it is a bad game that I was hoping to be good then it will be crucified.
Here's a little something I made for you all to contemplate: