Quick Thoughts: On Games and Politics
Posted by shifto | Posted in law, My president is Frappucino, obama, politics, the system is evil, Use of wiki encouraged, video games | Posted on 17:43
Beat Bioware's Dragon Age. Not as great as Mass Effect or Knights of the Old Republic, but not bad either. It is your standard Bioware RPG so you know what to expect. You are a (choose class). Eventually, (bad/good) fortune forces you to become a (jedi/spectre/grey warden). You then save the known world from the (sith/geth/darkspawn). The end.
Beat Vigil's Darksiders. It is exactly like Zelda. I never once had to look up a cheat, trick, or hint in this game. I have to admit that this is a rare occurrence. The reason is probably because I've done all these friggin' puzzles before in a Zelda game. Never played God of War, but everyone says that this game's combat rips off that, too. Honestly, I thought it's combat was like Zelda, but okay, I'll roll with it. Now, I would call all this a huge coincidence until I started shooting a hand gun that shoots orange and blue portals. Now, either all game developers are fans of the UVA Cavaliers or Denver Broncos or there are some shenanigans going on. Sony, Nintendo, and Valve may have a case to sue. I mean, come on? You can almost have a class action lawsuit of all the biggest developers against you Vigil!
Virginia has a Republican governor. This should not be surprising. Surely, the Gilmore effect has worn off and the Commonwealth has returned to it's Conservativeness. For some reason analysts on CNN and probably all the other news stations were acting like Virginia was a solid Democrat state now since we voted for Obama. Seriously? First off, we can call that the Bush effect. Second of all, Poli sci 101 should have told you that this wasn't going to stick. You see, it is common knowledge that the more people vote the more likely Democrats will win. Some would say that this is because most people in the United States are liberal, but I believe that the vast majority of liberals are slackers.
These voters are a real problem. They are the same guys that have an opinion about everything in the news, but cannot be bothered to spend any time on a Tuesday in November. They don't understand that voting for President is probably less important than voting for Governor, or mayor, or SHERIFF! These guys complain about red light cameras, sales tax, and unpaved roads, but they don't even vote in their local elections. Either shut up or step up to the voting booth every time and not just when the presidency is at stake.

Beat Bioware's Dragon Age. Not as great as Mass Effect or Knights of the Old Republic, but not bad either. It is your standard Bioware RPG so you know what to expect. You are a (choose class). Eventually, (bad/good) fortune forces you to become a (jedi/spectre/grey warden). You then save the known world from the (sith/geth/darkspawn). The end.
Beat Vigil's Darksiders. It is exactly like Zelda. I never once had to look up a cheat, trick, or hint in this game. I have to admit that this is a rare occurrence. The reason is probably because I've done all these friggin' puzzles before in a Zelda game. Never played God of War, but everyone says that this game's combat rips off that, too. Honestly, I thought it's combat was like Zelda, but okay, I'll roll with it. Now, I would call all this a huge coincidence until I started shooting a hand gun that shoots orange and blue portals. Now, either all game developers are fans of the UVA Cavaliers or Denver Broncos or there are some shenanigans going on. Sony, Nintendo, and Valve may have a case to sue. I mean, come on? You can almost have a class action lawsuit of all the biggest developers against you Vigil!
Virginia has a Republican governor. This should not be surprising. Surely, the Gilmore effect has worn off and the Commonwealth has returned to it's Conservativeness. For some reason analysts on CNN and probably all the other news stations were acting like Virginia was a solid Democrat state now since we voted for Obama. Seriously? First off, we can call that the Bush effect. Second of all, Poli sci 101 should have told you that this wasn't going to stick. You see, it is common knowledge that the more people vote the more likely Democrats will win. Some would say that this is because most people in the United States are liberal, but I believe that the vast majority of liberals are slackers.
These voters are a real problem. They are the same guys that have an opinion about everything in the news, but cannot be bothered to spend any time on a Tuesday in November. They don't understand that voting for President is probably less important than voting for Governor, or mayor, or SHERIFF! These guys complain about red light cameras, sales tax, and unpaved roads, but they don't even vote in their local elections. Either shut up or step up to the voting booth every time and not just when the presidency is at stake.